Video: Memahami fenomena "Generation Like"
Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014
From: Widodo
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 15:34:00
Subject: [sinergi-ia-itb] Generation Like
Baru nonton film di PBS yang berjudul "Generation Like". Sepertinya
topik ini dapat menjelaskan fenomena SocMed dan nilai akuisisi
perusahaan IT yang gila-gilaan.
Setelah menonton film ini, sedikit ada pencerahan kenapa
perusahaan-perusahaan socmed begitu tinggi dihargai (secara uang
tentunya). Bagaimana hubungannya antara socmed dan nilai uang?
Kata kuncinya adalah: iklan. Bagaimana bisa begitu? SocMed semacam FB
tidak begitu banyak muncul halaman iklannya. Dalam skenario ini,
"like" yang mengkaitkannya, dimana "customer" mempromosikan produk
tertentu. Biaya promosi/iklan perusahaan sangat besar, ketika
customer ikut juga mempromosikan, perusahaan pasti akan senang
sekali. Produknya makin populer dengan sedikit promosi.
Seorang customer yang "like", akan menyebarkannya pada lingkungannya
yang akan berlanjut terus dengan efek getok tular.
Bagaimana dengan perusahaan semacam Google? Dia meningkatkan
pendapatan perusahaan dengan mempelajari perilaku penggunanya.
Semakin banyak data diperoleh, semakin dia mampu memperkirakan selera
setiap orang. Data itu dijual kepada para pemasang iklan untuk
menghasilkan "hit" lebih baik.
Pola pikir kita perlu diubah untuk memahami fenomena ini. Dari nilai
manfaat suatu aplikasi, menjadi nilai psikologis orang dalam
masyarakat sosial. Lebih kepada ilmu psikologi dan antropologi.
Istilah-istilah baru semacam "eksis" dan "cool", merupakan fenomena
Keterangan Video:
Published on Jan 31, 2014
Coming to PBS 2/18. Exploring the revolving relationship between teens, social media, and corporate marketing.
Thanks to social media, today's teens are able to directly interact with their culture — artists, celebrities, movies, brands, and even one another — in ways never before possible. But is that real empowerment? Or do marketers still hold the upper hand? In "Generation Like," author and FRONTLINE correspondent Douglas Rushkoff ("The Merchants of Cool," "The Persuaders") explores how the perennial teen quest for identity and connection has migrated to social media — and exposes the game of cat-and-mouse that corporations are playing with these young consumers. Do kids think they're being used? Do they care? Or does the perceived chance to be the next big star make it all worth it? The film is a powerful examination of the evolving and complicated relationship between teens and the companies that are increasingly working to target them.
Thanks to social media, today's teens are able to directly interact with their culture — artists, celebrities, movies, brands, and even one another — in ways never before possible. But is that real empowerment? Or do marketers still hold the upper hand? In "Generation Like," author and FRONTLINE correspondent Douglas Rushkoff ("The Merchants of Cool," "The Persuaders") explores how the perennial teen quest for identity and connection has migrated to social media — and exposes the game of cat-and-mouse that corporations are playing with these young consumers. Do kids think they're being used? Do they care? Or does the perceived chance to be the next big star make it all worth it? The film is a powerful examination of the evolving and complicated relationship between teens and the companies that are increasingly working to target them.
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