The Northern Explorer train from Wellington to Auckland
From: "Joi Surya Dharma"
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 08:41:29
Subject: [Senyum-ITB] Alumni di New Zealand ? [1 Attachment]
Apa ada rekan2 Alumni yang tinggal di kota Auckland, Wellington di north island dan Christchurch, Queenstown, Dunedin di south island?
Rencana 31 Des '14 - 12 Jan '15 kami berenam akan explore negeri land of lord of the ring (LOTR) ini jalan darat dengan kendaraan campervan. Semoga bisa bertemu para alumni selama perjalanan kami ini.
Jika ada alumni di NZ, boleh ya mau tahu nama dan no telp/ emailnya, monggo japri ke joi@
Joi Surya Dharma - SI 95
From: "Leonie Titiek Wiyati"
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 21:57:32 -0700
pak joi,
ada alumni teknik fisika angkatan 85 tinggal di new Zealand , suami nya orang new Zealand-Scotland.
tapi aku juga sudah lama nggak kontak teman ini,
nanti kucari dulu email addres nya.
namanya Henrietta Rahmani , dipanggil henny.
jadi dia pake nama henny mattheson.
nama suami nya George mattheson.
tinggal di auckland
FT / TF 85
Keterangan video:
Published on Feb 13, 2013
Take the train from Wellington to Auckland aboard The Northern Explorer from where you can enjoy New Zealand's outstanding scenery from one of the comfortable new panoramic carriages. This production uses video film and photos taken from inside the train, the locomotive cab and the lineside. See the fast changing New Zealand rail scene as old trains give way to new modern electric and diesel traction. Electrification has been extended around Wellington, now the attention is on the infrastructure improvements around Auckland as it too will be introducing electric suburban trains in the near future.
Peta: (A) Auckland - (B) Wellington
New Zealand |
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