Film tentang kehidupan Mahatma Gandhi
Sabtu, 20 September 2014
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- Video: Mahatma Gandhi keliling India
Gandhi 1982 HD
Film ini saya tonton setelah beres baca buku karya Pandji Pragiwaksono yang berjudul Menghargai Gratisan. Buku itu berisi pandangan penulis tentang fenomena produk bajakan yang marak muncul. Pandji juga memberi ulasan tentang DVD apa saja yang ia koleksi, salah satunya DVD film Gandhi ini. Karena mendapat cap bagus dari penonton sebelumnya, saya berani berinvestasi waktu di film keluaran 1982 ini.
Gandhi mengawali kariernya sebagai pengacara. Dia hijrah ke Afrika Selatan dengan menjalani profesi itu. Perlakuan diskriminatif sempat ia rasakan di negeri Mandela itu. Perlawanan terhadap kultur itu pula yang menjadikannya dikenal hingga ke India, tanah kelahirannya. Setelah pulang ke India, Gandhi memperjuangkan kemerdekaan dari tangan Inggris bersama tokoh-tokoh kenamaan lainnya seperti Pandit jawaharlal Nehru, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, dll.
Polemik kebangsaan di India juga tergambar di film ini, mulai dari konflik antar agama hingga upaya genosida yang dilakukan Inggris, pihak penjajah India. Cara yang diajarkan Gandhi serta sudut pandangnya dalam menyikapi masalah-masalah diatas adalah pelajaran penting yang dipetik dari film berdurasi lebih dari tiga jam itu. Beberapa dialog sakti yang saya kenang diantaranya adalah saat Gandhi mempertanyakan landasan utama melakukan perlawanan, apakah perlawanan itu berorientasi sebuah perubahan ataukah vonis belaka.
Gandhi juga memperlihatkan teladan bersikap seorang mediator yang baik. Saat massa berdemonstrasi menuntut kematian sang muslim Jinnah yang menghendaki pemisahan diri dari India hingga menjadi pakistan, Sang Guru menyatakan bahwa dirinya juga Islam, dirinya juga Hindu, dirinya jew, dia juga mengaku sikh. Gandhi tidak menghendaki latar belakang agama dijadikan motif konfrontasi.
Dalam dialog lainnya, Sang Mahatma menyatakan bahwa pergerakan yang dilakukannya harus aktif dan provokatif. Karena film ini direkomendasikan oleh tokoh pergerakan Indonesia Pandji Pragiwaksono yang aktif dalam salah satu senjatanya bernama Provocative Proactive, saya curiga nama Provocative Proactive tadi terinspirasi dari dialog ini. Setelah melakukan klarifikasi ke akun Twitter @pandji , ternyata bukan itu yang melatari nama Provocative Proactive, namun Pandji mengaku terkejut mendapati hal demikian.
Romantika persahabatan sang guru dengan Nehru juga tersaji begitu dramatis. Saat seseorang berteriak 'death to Ghandiji' di hadapannya, perdana menteri pertama negeri hisdustan itu naik pitam dan menantang untuk melangkahi mayatnya dulu kepada pengecut yang menyembunyikan diri dan menghendaki kematian Bapu (panggilan lain Gandhi) itu. Romantisme Gandhi-Nehru itu mengingatkan kita bahwa Indonesia juga punya duo teladan yang tetap rukun meski tak sependapat, Soekarno-Hatta.
Pelajaran lain dari film ini adalah sikap Gandhi yang memilih jalan hidup mandiri, membuat baju untuk dirinya sendiri. Berdikari namanya kalau kita pakai istilah Bung karno, berdiri di atas kaki sendiri.
Mohandas juga punya keyakinan bahwa pola pikir 'eye for an eye' hanya bisa menjadikan dunia buta. Prinsip mulia itu teraplikasi saat seorang hindu ingin membalas dendam kepada muslim yang membuatnya kehilangan anak. Gandhi menyarankan agar pria itu mencari anak yang tidak memiliki ayah dan keluarga, lalu angkat anak itu sebagai anak sendiri. Si hindu lalu tersungkur dalam tangisan, malu akan sikap barbarnya yang ditimpali solusi bijak dari Bapu.
Adegan pembunuhan di awal film adalah penanda bahwa film itu dibuat manusia, tidak sempurna. Bayangkan jika seandainya penonton baru tahu bahwa hidup si tokoh teladan itu di akhirnya kandas karena terjangan beberapa butir peluru di akhir film, pasti akan sangat mengejutkan.
Durasi yang memakan waktu tidak sedikit juga menjadi atribut lain yang perlu diantisipasi dengan kesabaran. Tiga jam lebih bukanlah waktu yang singkat bagi penonton untuk tetap berada di depan layar. Karenanya di film itu juga disisipi intermission yang menyajikan karya musikal khas India.
Overall, Gandhi adalah rangkaian kisah yang sayang dilewatkan. Sangat menginspirasi dan sikapnya patut diteladani.
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Published on Jul 18, 2013
Gandhi is a 1982 epic biographical film which dramatises the life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, an Indian lawyer and activist who was a leader of the nation's non-violent, non-cooperative independence movement against the United Kingdom's rule of the country during the 20th century. Gandhi was a collaboration of British and Indian production companies[3] and was written by John Briley and produced and directed by Richard Attenborough. It stars Ben Kingsley in the titular role.
The film covers Gandhi's life from a defining moment in 1893, as he is thrown off a South African train for being in a whites-only compartment, and concludes with his assassination and funeral in 1948. Although a practising Hindu, Gandhi's embracing of other faiths, particularly Christianity and Islam, is also depicted.
Gandhi was released in India on 30 November 1982, in the United Kingdom on 3 December 1982, and in the United States on 6 December 1982. It was nominated for Academy Awards in eleven categories, winning eight, including Best Picture. Richard Attenborough won for Best Director, and Ben Kingsley for Best Actor.
The screenplay of Gandhi is available as a published book.[4][5] The film opens with a statement from the filmmakers explaining their approach to the problem of filming Gandhi's complex life story:
" No man's life can be encompassed in one telling. There is no way to give each year its allotted weight, to include each event, each person who helped to shape a lifetime. What can be done is to be faithful in spirit to the record and to try to find one's way to the heart of the man...[6] "
The film begins with Gandhi's assassination on 30 January 1948,[5]:18--21 and his funeral.[5]:15--18 After an evening prayer, an elderly Gandhi is helped out for his evening walk to meet a large number of greeters and admirers. One of these visitors—Nathuram Godse—shoots him point blank in the chest. Gandhi exclaims, "Oh, God!" ("Hē Ram!" historically), and then falls dead. The film then cuts to a huge procession at his funeral, which is attended by dignitaries from around the world.
The early life of Gandhi is not depicted in the film. Instead, the story flashes back 55 years to a life-changing event: in 1893, the 24-year-old Gandhi is thrown off a South African train for being an Indian sitting in a first-class compartment despite having a ticket.[7] Realizing the laws are biased against Indians, he then decides to start a non-violent protest campaign for the rights of all Indians in South Africa. After numerous arrests and unwelcome international attention, the government finally relents by recognising some rights for Indians.[8]
After this victory, Gandhi is invited back to India, where he is now considered something of a national hero. He is urged to take up the fight for India's independence (Swaraj, Quit India) from the British Empire. Gandhi agrees, and mounts a non-violent non-co-operation campaign of unprecedented scale, co-ordinating millions of Indians nationwide. There are some setbacks, such as violence against the protesters and Gandhi's occasional imprisonment. The Jallianwala Bagh massacre is also depicted in the film.
Nevertheless, the campaign generates great attention, and Britain faces intense public pressure. After World War II[9] Britain finally grants Indian independence.[10] Indians celebrate this victory, but their troubles are far from over. Religious tensions between Hindus and Muslims erupt into nation-wide violence. Gandhi declares a hunger strike, saying he will not eat until the fighting stops.[11]
The fighting does stop eventually, but the country is divided by religion. It is decided that the northwest area of India, and eastern part of India (current day Bangladesh), both places where Muslims are in the majority, will become a new country called Pakistan. It is hoped that by encouraging the Muslims to live in a separate country, violence will abate. Gandhi is opposed to the idea, and is even willing to allow Muhammad Ali Jinnah to become the first prime minister of India,[12] but the Partition of India is carried out nevertheless.
Gandhi spends his last days trying to bring about peace between both nations. He thereby angers many dissidents on both sides, one of whom assassinates him in a scene at the end of the film that recalls the opening.[13]
As Godse shoots Gandhi, the film fades to black and Gandhi is heard in a voiceover, saying "Oh God". The audience then sees Gandhi's cremation; the film ending with a scene of Gandhi's ashes being scattered on the holy Ganga.[14] As this happens, viewers hear Gandhi in another voiceover:[15]
" When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it. Always. "
As the list of actors is seen at the end, the hymn "Vaishnava Janato" is heard.
The film covers Gandhi's life from a defining moment in 1893, as he is thrown off a South African train for being in a whites-only compartment, and concludes with his assassination and funeral in 1948. Although a practising Hindu, Gandhi's embracing of other faiths, particularly Christianity and Islam, is also depicted.
Gandhi was released in India on 30 November 1982, in the United Kingdom on 3 December 1982, and in the United States on 6 December 1982. It was nominated for Academy Awards in eleven categories, winning eight, including Best Picture. Richard Attenborough won for Best Director, and Ben Kingsley for Best Actor.
The screenplay of Gandhi is available as a published book.[4][5] The film opens with a statement from the filmmakers explaining their approach to the problem of filming Gandhi's complex life story:
" No man's life can be encompassed in one telling. There is no way to give each year its allotted weight, to include each event, each person who helped to shape a lifetime. What can be done is to be faithful in spirit to the record and to try to find one's way to the heart of the man...[6] "
The film begins with Gandhi's assassination on 30 January 1948,[5]:18--21 and his funeral.[5]:15--18 After an evening prayer, an elderly Gandhi is helped out for his evening walk to meet a large number of greeters and admirers. One of these visitors—Nathuram Godse—shoots him point blank in the chest. Gandhi exclaims, "Oh, God!" ("Hē Ram!" historically), and then falls dead. The film then cuts to a huge procession at his funeral, which is attended by dignitaries from around the world.
The early life of Gandhi is not depicted in the film. Instead, the story flashes back 55 years to a life-changing event: in 1893, the 24-year-old Gandhi is thrown off a South African train for being an Indian sitting in a first-class compartment despite having a ticket.[7] Realizing the laws are biased against Indians, he then decides to start a non-violent protest campaign for the rights of all Indians in South Africa. After numerous arrests and unwelcome international attention, the government finally relents by recognising some rights for Indians.[8]
After this victory, Gandhi is invited back to India, where he is now considered something of a national hero. He is urged to take up the fight for India's independence (Swaraj, Quit India) from the British Empire. Gandhi agrees, and mounts a non-violent non-co-operation campaign of unprecedented scale, co-ordinating millions of Indians nationwide. There are some setbacks, such as violence against the protesters and Gandhi's occasional imprisonment. The Jallianwala Bagh massacre is also depicted in the film.
Nevertheless, the campaign generates great attention, and Britain faces intense public pressure. After World War II[9] Britain finally grants Indian independence.[10] Indians celebrate this victory, but their troubles are far from over. Religious tensions between Hindus and Muslims erupt into nation-wide violence. Gandhi declares a hunger strike, saying he will not eat until the fighting stops.[11]
The fighting does stop eventually, but the country is divided by religion. It is decided that the northwest area of India, and eastern part of India (current day Bangladesh), both places where Muslims are in the majority, will become a new country called Pakistan. It is hoped that by encouraging the Muslims to live in a separate country, violence will abate. Gandhi is opposed to the idea, and is even willing to allow Muhammad Ali Jinnah to become the first prime minister of India,[12] but the Partition of India is carried out nevertheless.
Gandhi spends his last days trying to bring about peace between both nations. He thereby angers many dissidents on both sides, one of whom assassinates him in a scene at the end of the film that recalls the opening.[13]
As Godse shoots Gandhi, the film fades to black and Gandhi is heard in a voiceover, saying "Oh God". The audience then sees Gandhi's cremation; the film ending with a scene of Gandhi's ashes being scattered on the holy Ganga.[14] As this happens, viewers hear Gandhi in another voiceover:[15]
" When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it. Always. "
As the list of actors is seen at the end, the hymn "Vaishnava Janato" is heard.
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