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Konser akustik Daniel Sahuleka di Sabuga, ITB

Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

Daniel Sahuleka - Don't Sleep Away

Tata suara jernih, jelas, dan manztaaapppppppp ;-))

Uploaded on Dec 19, 2011
Daniel Sahuleka Live Concert @Sabuga ITB.

Don't Sleep Away This night

(Daniel Sahuleka)

Tomorrow's near, never I felt this way
Tomorrow, how empty it'll be that day
It tastes a bitter, obvious to tears that I hide
To know that you're my only light
I love you, oh I need you
Oh, yes I do

Don't sleep away this night my baby
Please stay with me at least 'till dawn
It hurts to know another hour has gone by
And every minute is worthwhile
Oh, I love you

How many lonely days are there waiting for me
How many seasons will flow over me
'Till the emotions make my tears run dry

At the moments I should cry
For I love you, oh I need you
Oh, yes I do

Don't sleep away this night my baby
Please stay with me at least 'till dawn
It hurts to know another hour has gone by
And every minute is worthwhile
It makes me so afraid

Don't sleep away this night my baby
Please stay with me at least 'till dawn
It hurts to know another hour has gone by
The reason is still I love you


IA-ITB 12 Maret 2013 pukul 01.06  

idham Aulia

boleh tau ini acaranya siapa?

IA-ITB 12 Maret 2013 pukul 01.08  

Djen Rahayu

ini acara kemahasiswaan ITB yang tergabung dalam sebuah eo tetapi sy lupa nama eo nya.

IA-ITB 12 Maret 2013 pukul 01.09  

Mathew Lintin

acaranya kapan nih..?
kok kurang tau yah...!

IA-ITB 12 Maret 2013 pukul 01.09  

Djen Rahayu

ini acaranya pada tanggal 24 juli 2011 mas darmawan lintin

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